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"As Reform Jews, we are called to continue the fight for racial justice and fulfill the sacred work of creating a more just, compassionate, and whole world."

- The Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism

At Temple Isaiah, we are committed to the work of racial justice within our walls, our communities, our state, nation, and world. Racial Justice is one of our key Tzedek (social justice) priorities, one we seek to build and grow with intention and impact.

Our current racial justice initiatives include:

Racial Equity Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) @ URJ

Many Temple Isaiah board members have participated in the Union for Reform Judaism’s (URJ) on Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) workshops. As a URJ congregation, any Temple Isaiah member can participate in one of the many REDI workshops offered. Email the VP of Tikkun Olam to learn more about how to register.

Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out: A Mussar-Based Antiracism Curriculum

Temple Isaiah is working with the organization to host an 8-week program to explore antiracism through the lens of a set of Jewish values (middot).


Reparations & Equity Working Group

In 2020, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Howard Jaffe gave a Yom Kippur sermon that called us to explore the concept of reparations, attempting to make amends for systemic racial harms that have us all living in a house built with “stolen beams.” Temple Isaiah’s Reparations Working Group offers learning and action opportunities on this topic.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784